EKJ's Voice is a 501C3 nonprofit founded by Vanessa G. York to provide support services, to prevent suicide and provide services to individuals and families that have lost a loved one to suicide. EKJ's Voice is in remembrance of El'Quintin Korrdel Johnson.

EKJ's Voice 2024 Empowerment Rally

Join us for our 2024 Empowerment Rally! FREE! The rally is co-hosted by Essence Sorrells, ChuiMalik and Sade Champagne. Therapist Lauren Birtcher will be leading group sessions on Insightful Growth, and personal trainer El’Quincy Gordon will be sharing about how we can turn our pain into strength. Carmen S Rivero is a yoga instructor and will be serving as our strength mentor. Queen V is an artist and will be presenting on “Art-mosphere”. We have a dynamic, positive, rejuvenating and spectacular program lined up. Our desire and hope through this rally are to uplift & inspire, promote mental health awareness, encourage self-care & coping strategies and provide resources & support! Please join us at Rowlett Park in Tampa, Florida on Saturday November 2 from 11am- 3pm.